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Wednesday 24 September 2008

Google Android

As many of you are probably aware Google have been working for sometime and with about 30 partner companies to create an operating system for 'smart' mobile/cell phones. Today the first mobile to use this operating system has been unveiled. The article of interest is at BBC News in the Technology section. Here is a link.

To find out more about Android you should check out Google's Android webpage. I think Android will be exciting for the smart phone market as it is almost completely open source and Google intends that 3rd party developers create hundreds of good quality applications for their platform. They are probably hoping to emulate the success of the Apple App store with the iPhone. The advantage of the Android operating system will be that the open source philosophy will bring rich content to a lot of makes of handsets.

So we shall see how there market share works out, especially has smart phones have a growing share of the mobile phone market.

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